Monday, February 1, 2016

The Day it All Began

     The first day of Dr. Smirnova's Science Methods class was so scientifically appropriate and fun. Beginning with a task that provokes inquiry and then looking at ourselves as scientists was an enlightening and interesting way to begin. I had never before really stopped to look at who I was as a scientist or why so this Scientific Me essay was a good way to dust off my scientific foundation.
    It was not until I did the readings, watched the videos, and reflected on the 5E model that I realized the significance of the activity we did the first day. Dr. Smirnova was modeling for us how this model works and how to execute it in any class setting for any type of inquiry. What a brilliant way to begin the semester. By doing this she helped us to think back on our science experiences and knowledge and dust off our science foundations while simultaneously look forward and set the stage for inquiry based learning cycles.
    The question bag was a fun way to get to know each other in the class as well as set the tone for the inquiry-based science instruction and learning that will be happening throughout this course and then in our future teaching. There was a paper bag stapled shut with different objects inside. Everyone got 5 seconds to shake, feel, and squish the bag. After this, as a class, we all took guesses at what was in the bag based on what we had observed.
      I was pleased with the way this first day outlined our learning for the semester and how our first assignment really got me grounded in myself as a scientist so that I can now move forward and expand upon that.

    I chose this science experiment from all of the videos on YouTube because I liked that it was a child who was doing the experiment and he seemed to really enjoy the experiment and think it was as cool as I thought it was. I also liked that this is an experiment most children could do with what they have in their house already. 

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